Friday 7 September 2012

Delusions of perfection

Well, hasn't it been a long time since I was here?  I wont bore you all with the details, but it's been a pretty shitty year so far for numerous reasons.

So, what has driven me back to the blog world then?  Well, I thought the world needed to know that I have met the world's first, and possibly only perfect human being...

Now, as I'm sure you'll have realised already, being perfect is far from an easy feat... can any of you say you have never made a mistake in your lives?  I certainly can't make such a claim, like may of you in fact I make mistakes on a regular basis... be they large or small, significant or irrelevant... they happen.

My boss however... well he never makes any mistakes at all, yet strangely those around him seem to make more than most.

The latest example, the straw that broke the camel's back if you will, happened over the last few days.  Having received some product samples in the office while I was off, which of course he couldn't be bothered to dirty his hands sending out, he tells me that they're all for one customer.

After a couple of days of random comments being dropped every now and then about sending out said samples yesterday I organised them.  So I packed them all up nicely, and booked the courier to pick them up, a process which requires the use of said boss' credit card.

So he gave me his card to use, having asked what it was for, and I booked the collection.  The samples were sent yesterday afternoon.

So... roll on today.  It turns out half of the samples were for someone else, and while talking to my colleague the boss comes to ask me if they've shipped already, and I reply yes.  His reply?  Well, of course that would be to roll his eyes and state that "it would've been nice to know"... hang on a minute... am I alone in thinking that the fact that I asked for his credit card yesterday "to send those samples out" is a pretty big hint as to the fact that they're being sent out?

But, of course, it's far more important that everyone think he's perfect than it is to actually get things right.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Hell is other drivers

Well, here we are again... I've not had too much inspiration / motivation to blog lately, but today I need to vent my spleen.

You see, I love driving, probably not as much in the current motor as in my first car which was a bit smaller, bit lower to the ground, and felt more like it was near the limit of what it could do at any given moment, even if what you were doing was 40mph on a dual carriageway. 

There are only 2 things that put me off driving, the sorry state of the roads which is a story for another day, and other drivers.

Now, obviously there will always be other drivers on the roads, and the majority of them are just sensible road users trying to get from point A to point B without any incidents.

However, some are just brain dead knuckle dragging morons, and yet others are inconsiderate selfish aresholes.

This morning has been blighted by both of these sorts of other drivers.  Firstly, while dropping the missus off at the station there were cars queuing out of the station entrance (because heaven forbid people actually get dropped off more than 3 yards from the station entrance!!), and there was a car in front of me that went around them, and I followed it. 

Now as soon as the other car got past them it stopped, without signalling, on the double yellow lines.  Not only was this inconsiderate and illegal, but it put me in something of an awkward spot because now I had to overtake that car as well (there wasn't enough space for me to pull in behind) and there was a car coming the other way... so, with an apologetic wave of my hand to the car that was coming the other way who had to stop because I was on the wrong side of the road I went on my way.

Having deposited said missus at said station and dropped home for half an hour so as to avoid being in work ridiculously early, I set out again to make my way to work.  All was fine, other than the excessive amount of traffic, until I got to a junction where there's a petrol station.  There were 2 cars at the lights, and I hung back so as to not obstruct the entrance / exit of the petrol station (I'm just considerate like that).

All of the cars behind me stopped, a couple of cars went in and out of the petrol station.  Then the lights changed, and just as I started to pull away a car appears beside me... now I'm not sure how far back it had come from, but it was more than 2 cars behind me in the queue.  This lovely thoughtful person then proceeds to cut me up and head along the road in front of me... so really, you're going to drive along the wrong side of the road just to get ahead of a few cars... what a *expletive censored*

So yeah, driving is great, other drivers just suck.