Tuesday 21 September 2010

Munich baby!!!

Ok, so you'll have to forgive me if this blog sucks, it's the first one I've written and I'm not entirely sure what I'm actually doing.  With that said, here goes.

I've been working at a small firm for nearly 7 years, and am pretty much a jack of all trades around here.  Doing a little bit of everything, from warehousing to admin to IT.  Frankly it was great when I first left college and set out into the working world, but I felt like I'd somewhat outgrown the place in the last few years.

Having had a couple of unsuccessful job interviews elsewhere, and a fair few applications that didn't even lead to interviews, I had resigned myself to being here for a while longer, and decided to make the best of it.

To this end I made it clear to my boss that I wanted to move into a new direction, and look at heading towards sales, and he was quite receptive to this and said it was something we could look at.  Good news of course, but it was more or less the same conversation I had with him 3 years ago so I wasn't holding my breath over it.

So, the last few months have rolled by, and there has been some movement in a sales oriented direction, but nothing major... until yesterday that is.  It turns out that the trade show in November that my boss and another sales guy are going to is something that he wants me to go to as well.  So now I'm heading to Munich in November for 3 days... things are finally looking up

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