Thursday 9 December 2010

Britan's big white "OFF" button

Oh how the other countries laugh at poor little Britain, while Germany and Belgium are playing out in the snow Britain's nanny is telling it to stay indoors. 

Have we really developed into such a nanny state that when there is an inch of snow on the ground we have to stop what we're doing, panic buy all the bread and milk in the shops (half of which I'm sure goes to waste as people end up chucking it out), and then go and hide in our houses until the nasty white stuff is gone?!

It is truly ridiculous, we get snow most years (at least in recent memory) but every time it's like it's a new and unknown thing that we have to run away from.  Buses and trains are cancelled, cars are abandoned, roads left ungritted, businesses close, and everyone stays indoors looking out of the window and wondering what to do.

The other half was talking to the bloke running the local convenience store the other day about how his business was going.  He couldn't believe that people were spending £50 and more on groceries in his shop.  He said he's from Turkey, and they get up to a metre of snow and carry on regardless... that's a metre of snow, much more than we ever get over here (except maybe the bleaker parts of Scotland, but who cares about the Scots anyway?!). 

Talking to a customer in Russia back in January he said they had temperatures around -35, and blizzards for days on end... he was surprised that a couple of banks and schools shut early because of the weather, because they just got on with things.

So, the story, dear Britain is stop being a f*cking pansy and get out in the snow!!

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