Wednesday 2 March 2011


So, the new car is now back in the garage having the gearbox looked at... which is just what you want in an automatic car... gearbox problems.  From a quick browse around the net I reckon it's a couple of solenoids need replacing, it seems a fairly common issue.  Hopefully it wont take too long to fix as I've not had chance to take it out for a long drive yet.

Anyway, for the time being I am without automobile... which makes Asda's f*ckwittery all the more irritating.

We were expecting a delivery from Asda last night, it was confirmed for between 18:00 and 20:00, we're fairly low on quite a few things, so it would certainly have been useful to have the shopping turn up.

Sadly nobody decided to tell Asda that when we book a delivery slot that we expect them to deliver in it!!

After they were an hour late the missus tried calling customer services, 16 minutes on hold later she gave up, and came seeking my advice... a further 20 minutes on hold later we were through to someone.

So, what useful bit of information did they give us... oh, the delivery has been rejected by the local store, I can't tell you why because there's nobody there now.  Ah... that's helpful isn't it!!

Do we want the delivery rescheduled for first thing this morning... well we work... so no!!  What do we want you to do... cancel the bloody order, and we'll go to Tesco!!

So, we still have no shopping, and the missus has a complaint letter to write to Asda about how bloody useless they are!!  There wasn't even an offer of any compensation!!

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