Wednesday 31 August 2011

But you didn't... did you...?!

A couple of months ago we moved office, from a dingy little unit in a business centre to a much bigger self contained business unit which has been fitted out to the boss' requirements.

Since we moved there were a few things to sort out, one of which was the utility supplier.  Now this is all stuff for the boss to arrange, and really has nothing to do with the rest of us.

We keep getting calls from Meter Registration Service, and Commercial Power (who I believe are the same company based on some digging online).  They tell us that our meters aren't registered with a supplier, and so we'll be getting charged higher rates for utilities than we should do.

The boss is well aware of the fact that they keep calling, and has no intention of talking to them.  He said that he doesn't know who they are, or what they want.

So I thought I'd do a little research and see just who they are.  Turns out they're an energy broker, and apparently one that uses some devious methods, who represent NPower.

I made a few notes on this, and thought I'd let the boss know what's what.  So I said to him "I had a look online to see who this Meter Registration Service is", to which he responds "pfft... why bother?"... great start.  Then I said that I wanted to know who they were, and if it was anything legit, but that they were a broker "I could've told you that" he replies...

... but you didn't... did you?! 

You didn't tell me that, because you didn't know... you just sit there in your little office ignoring what's happening in the real world and thinking you know better than everyone else...

... well he's what you don't want to know... you don't know better than everyone else... you're just a small, petty little man who isn't happy unless he's lording it up over someone else.

One of these days someone, hopefully me (if I get to a point where I'm not relying on you to pay my wages), will tell you the truth.  In the mean-time I'll just sit here, cashing my pay cheque and loathing myself for putting up with your insufferable bullshit.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Such a nice man (how to make friends and influence people)

So, as you all no doubt know there are times in life when you have to rely on someone else, on this occasion the someone else in question is an Openreach engineer.  Now, as you may be aware Openreach are not the best run organisation in the world, but they serve an important purpose when it comes to phone lines and such.

On Friday there was an Openreach engineer here to install a new phone line, and to look at our broadband to try and figure out why it was so slow. 

So there he was, working away, and doing a perfectly competent job of it, when he loses his balance on the ladder.  Trying to steady himself he grabs for anything he can get hold of, and ends up getting hold of the metal cabinet housing our network switch, etc.  Now said cabinet happens to be laying on a board, not fixed, and so the cabinet comes off with him.

He recovered his balance and grabbed hold of it, and I was standing nearby and managed to get hold of it too so that it didn't fall to the floor, and I managed to take the router out (which is the only bit not screwed in) so that it didn't fall out.

Unfortunately the ladder he'd been standing on fell down, taking a couple of nice chunks out of the wall, and damaging the edge of a nearby work surface.  In fairness, it is our ladder that we use to access the data cabinet, and so he shouldn't really have been using that one, but it was there so he used it... fair play.

So we managed to get everything back in order, he went and got a replacement for the one cable that was broken, and everything seemed to be ok.  So other than the wall it was no harm done.

The boss, sat in his office, heard all the commotion.  When the engineer next went to the exchange the boss approaches me, and asks if the cabinet had fallen down, I said yes... and then it began.  Suddenly the engineer, who'd done a perfectly good job up until then was a "jerk", a "f*cking jobsworth", and a "c*nt".

So, I was tasked with getting the guy's name, ID no, etc... no problem.

Sadly the engineer arrived back when the boss was downstairs, and it kicked off.  "you've done a good job there mate, you've f*cked that, you've f*cked that, you've f*cked that.  You wanna watch what you're doing, and that ladder isn't there for you either".  "yeah, ok, I'll get my steps in, no problem.  You might want to fix that cabinet down though mate" was the only response from the engineer, that and to go and organise for a claim form to be sent out to us for it. 

At the point the boss returns to his office, and tells the guy "leave the details with him" (that being me).  Cheers boss, so you've just pissed the guy off and then left me to deal with it.

Anyway, luckily the guy wasn't too bothered, and after I commented that "hopefully he'll keep his head down" he laughed about it.  He went off to the exchange again, and arrived back just as I was leaving.  I apologised for leaving him to deal with the boss, he said it was me he felt sorry for and after exchanging a chuckle and some pleasantries I went on my way.

Thursday 4 August 2011


So, as per one of my previous blogs (I forget which one) I lack money, and the willpower to save money!!

I've checked my bank balance this morning, and worked out which bills have yet to come out of the bank, and allowed for hte fact that I've gotta fuel up the car soon... and if (and this is a big IF) I'm really really really good between now and pay day then I could carry £160 over from last pay-day... that'd be a big improvement on the last couple of months of saving £20 a month.

Now the slight problem(s)... pay day is 3 weeks away, and that's a long time for me to not spend money.  It's the 5 year anniversary of my first date with the other half on the 12th of August, and that's almost certainly going to involve spending some money at least.

In fact we're going out for the day on the 12th, although she's not decided where yet.  I'm thinking maybe Port Lympne since we have year long entry from when we went in June... suppose that depends on weather though...

Ah well, wish me luck on the savings front dear reader!!

Nice while it lasted...

And there we are, after 2 days the Great British Summer seems to have gone on it's way again.  We've gone from sunshine and 28 degrees to rain and 18 degrees... and I'm quite liking the change if I'm honest!!

The office was a bit on the warm side the last couple of days, since the air-con was never installed before we moved in... it's ok though, because the air-con has now been ordered...!!  The problem there of course is that we need to use the air-con when it's hot, not order the air-con when it's hot and get it installed when it's not hot anymore!!

Hopefully the rain will hold off tomorrow as we're off to the races which should be a laugh, and a Boyzone convert which should be traumatising.  Sadly I can't even have a drink to help me through the night, since I've been volunteered to drive everyone home... Aces!!

Still, maybe it wont be tooooo bad... I'm trying to stay up-beat here!!