Tuesday 5 April 2011

"don't stack it"

Those were the last words of my boss as he got into a transit van, after giving me the keys to his Audi. 

Now given that his Audi is a diesel, and my total experience driving a diesel car before stood at about 10 minutes this morning, most of which time was spent re-starting the thing after stalling 5 times pulling out of my road, I was somewhat surprised to be handed the keys.

In my defence for the whole stalling thing, not only had I never driven a diesel before, I'd never been told anything about them either.  So I learne the hard way that you have to rev them a lot higher than a petrol engine when pulling away... might have been nice if Pete had mentioned that when he dropped the courtesy car off last night!!

Oh, right... yeah... I'm driving a courtesy car (diesel Mondeo for anyone who's interested) because the Megane is back in the garage... hopefully this time they're just going to put a new gearbox in and be done with it.  That remains to be seen though, as does how long it's going to leave me lumbered with this hideous Ford!!

Ah yes, the point I wanted to make when I started this blog is that I am, apparently, now trusted with the boss' car... all hail me!!

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