Thursday 30 June 2011

My boss must die...!!

Hello all, hope you're all well.  I realise it's been ages since my last post, but I've not really had much to write about. 

Now however, I've found something to let off steam over.

I've been working at this company for 7 and a half years now, which is 1/4 of my life.  That's a pretty significant investment of time on my part, and while I am not badly paid for my work of late there has been a distinct lack of respect.

Now, in his defence (as limited as it may be) the boss has been stressed out about getting our new office sorted out, although it's taken him about 8 months so far when he initially wanted us to be in around March time.  We're now moving on July 1st, and yes some things have been going wrong towards the back end of the project.

However, treating your staff with some common courtesy doesn't seem like too much to ask of an employer.

It's apparent for all to see that as a man manager the bloke is useless.  He doesn't unite or motivate his staff, he doesn't lead by example, he just expects people to get on with it.  Which is all well and good, and most of us are more than capable of doing that.  He doesn't seem to realise though that his comments are often demotivational, and make people want to not put their all into their work.

For years he's been well known for his back-tracking.  He'll tell you to do something, and then when it backfires he'll ask why you did it, it pisses us all off no end.  He wants to take no responsibility for these things, and as a classic example just the other day we got a bollocking for not holding shipments to customers who are late paying.  Then 24 hours later he's telling us to release a shipment to a customer who hasn't paid... now come on fella... you can't have it every which way.  What the f*ck do you actually want us to do?  Or was it simply a case that you went off on one without actually really engaging your brain first?!

A couple of days ago an invoice came back in the post as undelivered.  Now the accounts department happens to consist of his wife, on the odd occasion that she bothers showing up, so of course it can't have been her fault that it had been returned.  The most obvious reason for it coming back was the lack of a country written on the envelope (lets give the poor old posites a hand shall we and tell them what country to go to?!), to which his response to me was "well does she know it's in Hungary?  She's not a f*cking mind-reader".  How the f*ck do I know if she knows it's in Hungary?  I'm not the one who asked her to post it, and I'm sure as hell not a f*cking mind-reader either... if I was a mind-reader I might have some outside chance of understanding how your mind works while you're off in your own little world.  If she doesn't know what country it's in then maybe it's an idea to check, instead of just f*cking sending it?!

At this point I was starting to think that the 10 years or so in prison for killing him would be time well spent, and lets face it prison doesn't sound too bad... Sky TV, gym, internet... and I'm sure you'd get used to the buggery.

So we move on to yesterday, and some stuff needed doing at the new office.  I was there at 8am (which is 15 minutes before I technically start work).  I swept the whole of the warehouse, separated a big stack of rubbish and recycling, moved some carpet upstairs, unboxed the carpet, and helped clean down the front of the building with some caravan cleaner and a pressure washer. 

I was shattered after that, and didn't think we'd done too bad for 4 and a bit hours.  Then it was back to the current office to sort anything that needed doing here, the stuff that's actually in my job description!!

So, while I was out for my lunchtime stroll, when I finally got my lunch break yesterday) the boss turns to my mate K and says "I was hoping he might break a sweat this morning, but no".  You f*cking what?!  You laid on your back and fitted a new pop-up waste to the bathroom sink which somehow took you about 3 hours, and you're going to make snide comments behind my back about me not breaking a sweat?  I worked my arse off yesterday morning, and that's the thanks I get?

Well, maybe it's time for you to see how you like it without me?  Job ads... here I come.

And if any of you know a cheap hitman then let me know.

Laters peoples.

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