Friday 15 July 2011

I wanted that...!! Wait, are they mad?!

So, some couple from Falkirk have won the £161m EuroMillions jackpot from this past Tuesday then... I think they'll find that I had actually called dibs on that jackpot and so they should really be giving that money to me!!

They're also holding a press conference about it.  Now, I don't entirely know what I would do with that amount of money (though I'd like the chance to find out) but I know for darn sure that I would not hold a press conference and announce to the world that I was now nearly as rich as the Beckhams.

Talk about painting a huge bulls-eye on your back, now they're just asking to be targets for crime.  A rather sad state of affairs I grant you, but do you think the criminal under-world wont be paying attention to the press conference? 

Money is a strange thing, I imagine... I can't say for sure as I never bloody well have any these days!!  I understand the desire to flash a little cash, get yourself a nice house, and a nice car, but surely that would be enough? 

Anyway, to anyone reading this I am calling dibs on the next £100m+ EuroMillions jackpot, so keep your hands off!!

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