Monday 18 July 2011

Cheers Bro

Well, here we are again... Monday morning... how I loathe thee!!

The weekend was good though, thanks to my bro who organised a barbecue / games marathon.  Now things didn't go entirely to plan... the rain saw off the barbecue so it became a grill / oven a cue instead which isn't quite the same, but it was very good anyway.  Also the late night kebab from the place that supposedly does nice kebabs was decidedly rank, but other than that it was a good time had by all.

One of bro's mates, we'll call him D, joined us.  Nice lad, little bit pushy when it comes to other people drinking though.  Not much of a gamer is D, although he's not bad at Mortal Kombat... I only managed 1 flawless victory over him!!  Strangely when playing 3 player MK he was quite good, but when it was just him vs me I distinctly had the upper hand. 

We also went over to the green for a kickabout... and by kickabout I mean looking like a bunch of inept gits who'd never kicked a ball before!!  I managed one goal while playing head and volleys, bro managed 2, and D... I don't recall him scoring, but he did run around a lot which looked very energetic and made me tired just watching him.  Also at various points the ball was lost in hedges, and even up a tree!!  Luckily D is rather fond of getting into the bush.

We also watched Repo Men which is a slightly macabre film involving the sale and repossession of artificial organs, and the ending is just f*cked.  Still, not a bad film for the most part, quite grotesque in places, and now something you'd want to watch over dinner... combined with the kebab it left me feeling a little nauseous.

The kebab also gave me quite bad wind... to the point that I cleared the room of Bro and D at one point with a fart that Bro described as "chewy".  I shouldn't be proud / amused about it... but I kinda am!!

We were then going to play squash on Sunday, but Bro wasn't that keen, and I'd been awake since 05:40 so skipping it was fine with me.  We went to KFC instead, and then Pets at Home.  They had a giant house rabbit there, which made me decide that I want a giant house rabbit!!  This thing was huge, sadly the other half is a bit freaked out by excessively large rabbits, and the thought of a rabbit which weighs in excess of 5kg put her off a bit!!

While in Pets at Home I picked up another squeaking mouse thing for my mum's kittens since they've destroyed the first one we got them!!  Delivered that yesterday afternoon when I got home.

Then last night the missus bought us an Indian.  I had some tandoori chicken tikka thingamajig... the main problem with it was that I think they'd used a whole plantation worth of sugar!!  It was so sweet that I couldn't even finish it.  The breads were nice though.  It was the first time I'd had an Indian take-away, and I will try it again, but need something less sweet and more spicy in future.

So, for a top weekend... Cheers Bro.

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