Monday 18 July 2011

Miscellaneous thoughts

Not entirely sure what this blog is going to end up containing, so be patient with me.  There are just various unclassified thoughts that I want to vent.

Lets start with the car... its leaking transmission fluid... I seem to have nothing but bad luck with this car, and even though it's under warranty still it's just a pain in the rump to get it sorted.  It's being picked up tonight to go back to the garage for them to sort it out.  In theory they should also give me a courtesy car to use, which they'd better do since I no longer have the option of driving to work.

Mondays suck... I mean seriously, whoever invented Mondays deserves to be tied to 5 horses (one on each limb, plus one tied to his balls) and have them run off in different directions!!

Skintness is not good!!  Everything is so expensive these days that it leaves no room for saving substantial amounts of money.  Now I know that I do myself no favours on that front really as I do like to spend a bit of cash on video games and fast food, but still... £550p/m on rent, £105p/m loan repayment. £40p/m on Virgin Media, £35p/m on mobile phone contract, £70p/m on petrol, £17.50p/m on road tax (if you average it out), £46p/m on car insurance, £12.50p/m on TV License... that's £876 of my £1200 per month gone, leaving £324 per month for food, drink, entertainment, clothing, etc... assuming that there are no extra charges on the above things like call costs.  In today's world £324 doesn't go too far!!

I don't want to live around here forever, I was talking to my Bro over the weekend and he was talking about wanting to move to Northumberland, but his missus has told her sister that they wont move.  It got me to thinking, I don't want to live here all my life.  Don't get me wrong Kent isn't all bad, but it's just not somewhere that I would want to spend forever.  However due to the above mentioned skintness I can't see any changes on that front in the imminent future which is kinda depressing.

Speaking of things which are expensive... weddings!!  I'm getting married on 4th May 2013, although following a recent visit to the future in-laws where even my fiancée couldn't remember the wedding date I may end up being the only one there on the day!!  We didn't want anything too traditional, AKA boring, and so we're getting married at Kent Life, which is a museum / farm type place, and it's going to cost us a fortune!!  Seriously the missus reckons £9k at least... that is a crazy amount of money to spend for one day... I know it's going to be the most special day of our lives, but £9k is scary!!  The last "wedding" we went to was a registry office ceremony followed by a reception in a working men's club, and even that apparently ran to around £5k... makes ours' seem better value for money, but still... putting the word wedding in front of a product seems to multiply the prices involved by about 73.

My boss is a tw@t.  On Friday he was asking if my car had a leak, and seemed briefly to be concerned over the fact that I may have a problem with it... then it transpired the only thing he was bothered about was the car dripping on the driveway... so now I've parked in the Comet carpark... happy?!

Radio 2 is crap.  Sadly I work in an office where I am the youngest employee by around 20 years, and since all the oldies like Radio 2 I'm stuck listening to it.  This wouldn't be quite so bad if Chris Evans were on, cos I quite like him, but he's on holiday and filling in is Richard Madely!!

Speaking of on holiday, my mate at work is in Vegas, and we're currently half way through her time off... that means I'm rattling around in the main office on my lonesome, while boss man sits in his office.  It also means extra work, but as long as she's having a good time I don't mind that so much.

So there we have it... a selection of random meanderings... enjoy.

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