Thursday 21 July 2011

Sh*tish Telecom

I've heard that once upon a time being British was something to be proud of, that our companies were world leaders, and that the very word British conjured up a dogged spirit and will to succeed.

So where did it all go so wrong?  Well British Telecom have to take a chunk of that blame.  We've asked them to do a relatively straightforward thing... to port three phone numbers from Virgin Media to BT, and install them in our new office unit.

The first two are done, although not without many, many phone calls and yelling.  You see we ordered the transfer on June 9th, and the sales guy who took the order placed it on the 9th... however when he was asked to verify the post-code (it was different as we were moving office) he did nothing with it for 8 days... consequently having told us it'd be done on June 20th he suddenly vanished off the face of the Earth when it transpired that they would actually be doing it on July 1st.

Despite numerous attempts from all of us they couldn't improve on this date, and so we were stuck with it.

Things, in the end, worked out ok.  The lines went in on moving day and we got up and running.  Then came time to port the third number.  This time the engineer arrived just 2 days after the order was placed... brilliant... although it turned out that in fact BT hadn't even asked Virgin to release the number by then, and so the engineer went on his way again.

What's followed has been a series of calls to BT (who say Virgin wont release the number, that the line has more than one number on it, and finally that a mistake was made on the order) and Virgin (who say that they've not received an order from BT).  Now BT have decided to ask what sort of line it is, it's a Centrex line, whatever that means.  Armed with this information they now think it should be ok... so why didn't you bloody well ask in the first place you idiots?!

So, in conclusion... BT Suck!!

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