Friday 29 October 2010

The Old Bill

Ok, so this happened a few days ago, but I've just remembered and thought I'd post about it.

I was on the way home having picked the missus up from the train station, driving past the local shop there was clearly something going on as police were in attendance.

There was a police van wanting to pull across and park on my side of the road, but it was dark and I couldn't really see it was a police van until I got fairly close.

Anyway, a few cars went past without letting it across, and I was going to do the same to be fair.  Then the perfectly responsible chap driving the police van, who would never abuse his powers in any way, shape, or form decides to stick his lights and sirens on so that I have to stop and let him park.

Now I get that the guy had to get his van parked, but whatever the incident was was under control as there were about 6 other officers there already, and there was one car behind me and then nothing as far as the eye could see so it wasn't as if he was going to have to wait long...

... but no, he has to make me stop so he can park... and they wonder why everyone thinks the police are a bunch of arrogant wankers...

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