Monday 1 November 2010

Tw*ts on trains

Right, so on Saturday night I had to go to Sidcup with the other half, to go to dinner for a couple of her family members' birthdays.

Since I had no idea where the place was, and she was only vaguely aware of where it was we decided to go by train rather than get horribly lost by car... although getting horribly lost would've been a better use of the evening.

So, we're on the train to Sidcup, and there are some rather loud chavvy types sat in the carriage we're in for the first part of the journey... they're pretty annoying, but relatively easy to ignore.

The train then pulls in at Higham and 2 girls dressed as witches (well, I say dressed as witches, they had witch hats on and that was about the extent of the costume) get on the train with some bloke.

They start to play music on their phones which majorly pisses me off to start with, but that particular bugbear is for another day.

As the train thunders onwards they start talking, and one of them utters the following gem, which helps sum them up quite nicely "I love Halloween cos I can dress like a slut".  Now if that's not a mark of a classy young lady then I don't know what is!!

So, being astonished by the depths which society is sinking to we get off of the train at Gravesend to change trains.

The second leg of the journey was pretty quiet really, which was a pleasant change from the first leg.

The restaurant was rubbish, you'll see more on that in my "Sophie's Choice" blog entry.

The first leg of the trip back wasn't too bad either if memory serves, other than the fact that by this point I had a rotten headache and desperately needed painkillers and sleep.  We reached Dartford, and had to wait for another connection... whose idea was it to go by train again?!

While talking to the missus about my need for painkillers a girl sat on the bench behind us said "we've got some cold relief stuff if that's any help".  Her other half then proceeds to empty his pockets of more stuff than I ever thought one person could keep on them, but has lost his cold relief tablets.  Ah well, the thought was there, and that one intended act of kindness did help brighten the day a little. 

Then some more chavs turn up... I hate chavs!!  These 2 lads are calling each other every name under the sun, then one decides to go to the vending machine on the other platform... the other asks him to get something from the machine for him.   Chav number 1 doesn't bother, and tells chav number 2 it's because he's a dickhead (or some such thing).  Then chav number 2 goes to the machine and the same happens again but in reverse.

A glance up at the train info monitor shows that the train is going to be late... shocking!

Then a group of 5 or 6 eastern European sounding girls wander along the platform dressed as burlesque dancers, wanting to know how to get to London.  Now at midnight on a Saturday it's not easy to get to London as you maybe aware.

Chav 1 and 2 see a chance to get shot down by some foreign totty and wander along the platform after the girls, loudly talking about which is most attractive (always the best way to impress the girls).  Their pursuit of said girls ended fairly rapidly as the train approaches.

We decide to get on a different carriage to these 2 wonders of modern society, and by did we pick the wrong carriage?!?!

Up until this point the other people on trains had been a vague annoyance, but now it was to get worse.  I don't know if it was just because I was tired and had a headache, or they genuinely were worse than all of the others, but the people in this carriage were doing my head right in!!

The worst was some scummer from Gravesend, who loudly exclaimed "I've been banned from every pub in Gravesend cos everyone else is dickheads".  Not quite sure how that works if I'm honest?  If you keep your head down and don't get involved with other people then you don't get banned from pubs, which makes this guy just as culpable as every other "dickhead" in Gravesend.

Now I lived in Gravesend for 11 months, and I know it's not short of dickheads and pissheads.  In fact living next door to a charming drinking establishment a number of them kept me awake in the early hours. 

So anyway, this charming chap, and his new friends are having a right old laugh, while everyone else on the carriage shoots them looks that could kill.  Thankfully all but 2 got off at Gravesend as half lived there and half needed to change onto a train to go to Rainham.

Now that I've vented that I would just like to ask anyone reading this to do me one favour.  The next time I decide to get a train somewhere, slap me, and tell me to drive!!

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