Tuesday 2 November 2010

The Force Unlea... oh... it's over

Now as I mentioned in an earlier blog I do rather enjoy my video games, and one that I've been looking forward to for a fair while is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2.  Having played the original, and enjoyed it immensely, I was quite excited to have the chance to play through this.

Having completed it now there are a couple of points I think need making.  This is not a game without problems, the plot is pretty thin on the ground for starters, the levels all tend to progress in a pretty similar way without enough really large scale fight scenes against seemingly impossible odds, and a little more variety in the environments would be nice...

All of those fade into the background compared to one massive, glaring problem with the game... it's only four hours long!!  Seriously I got home at around 3pm on Friday to find it on my door mat, and I finished at around 10pm.  During this time I'd stopped to pick the missus up, have dinner, watch a spot of telly, have a drink, and take a dump...

How can LucasArts justify charging full price for a game that's shorter than most DLC available for games?  Lair of the Shadow Broker for Mass Effect 2 was around the same length, and cost £8.  Fallout: New Vegas cost the same as TFU 2 but is infinitely replayable, and boasts hundreds of hours worth of gaming.

So how, Mr Lucas, can you justify to your fans that you charge the £10 per hour for your new video game?!

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