Wednesday 17 November 2010

Oooops.... that was close

So there I am driving the other half to the station this morning, and traffic is a nightmare.  Some genius seems to have changed the timings on some traffic lights meaning that there are cars backed up for miles, and everyone seems to have decided it was a good idea to drive around the station at that time of day.

Now I don't have all the time in the world, unfortunately.  I have to be in work by 08:15 while the other half wants dropping off around 08:00.  Usually this isn't a problem but today... well it just wasn't going to happen.

So anyway, after I've dropped her off I'm waiting to turn out of a side road... I can't go anywhere as the traffic is all backed up, but I'm at the front of the queue to get out of this road... the traffic starts to move, and I can see my freedom...

There's a car coming from my right, but it's turning left so I'm ok, I pull out... oh £$%& there's another car behind it that's not turning.

It was one of those deer in the headlights moments, nothing I could do but sit and hope... luckily they stopped in time, and while listening to all the abuse under the sun, which I fully deserved, I went on my not so merry way.

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