Thursday 4 November 2010

Lets get physio...

So you may recall in an earlier blog I mentioned my bad knee, injured playing football many moons ago.

Well after about 15 years I decided I should probably get something done about it, so I hobbled off to see my GP a few weeks ago about it.

In typical GP fashion he was largely uninterested, without looking at my knee he said he'd refer me to see a specialist... I'm sure GPs used to look at ailments before offloading you on someone else, or is that my imagination?!

So, last night I went off to see the specialist about it.  After poking and prodding at my knee, and trying to manipulate my knee to see how much pain he could cause he decided that he'll refer me for physio, and that I need to lose weight (that's a real revelation isn't it?  Everyone knows I'm fat, but I like my food!!).

Anyhow, in the process of messing about with my knee the bastard crippled my hip!!  Seriously I got a shooting pain through my head, had a massive body spasm as the pain shot through me, and nearly kicked him in the head in the process. 

I literally limped out of the place, but he seemed unconcerned as it wasn't pain in my knee... cheers doc!!

So, now we wait for the physio appointment... and to see who they refer me to.

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