Wednesday 17 November 2010

Munich part deux

Right, so where was I?  Oh yeah, going on about the exhibition stand... well for the most part it was ok but the counter top was shit... they'd promised a brand spanking new one, but what we got was clearly old and had been knocked about a bit.

The 2 fitters went off to the local DIY store to try and find a solution, and returned with some chrome coloured edging stuff which worked quite nicely.

We left the exhibition hall around 6, and piled into the car to go to the hotel.  The German girl helping us out got a little confused by the fact it was an English car, and in her attempts to get into the passenger seat she wandered off to the driver's side of the car!!

The driver, we'll call him MG, got a bit lost despite having his sat nav... apparently neither he nor his sat nav knew about the road tunnel in Munich... so getting to the hotel took a bit longer than expected.  Boss man took every opportunity to complain about this, with such helpful remarks as "I feel like I've been in this car for 3 hours".

Of course that made the journey go much faster...!!

The hotel was shit... there's no other word for it, it was small and the decor was hideous.  Oh, and the receptionist was a real bitch.  She had a massive attitude problem from the off, which wasn't helped by the boss asking for a bigger room, and one of the group changing rooms twice.

Anyway, I got settled into the place, and having discovered that the only English tv channels were pay per view, and cost €12 for 24 hours... so not worth it!!

So having had about 20 minutes to chill for the first time since Sunday it was time to go out to eat.  We went to a place called Mozart's, where I had steak and chips... the Germans don't know how to do steak and chips like the English do!!

After dinner MG took me on a brief sightseeing tour of Munich... in the dark.  It's tough to say really as you couldn't see too well, but it looked like a beautiful place with some spectacular architecture.

Then it was back to the hotel to crash... alarm set for 06:30 on Tuesday morning

To be continued...

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